Kellraine Units

Establishment and lodging at 72 Tully Street, Saint Helens, TAS 7216, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Kellraine Units: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Contact Information

Establishment   Lodging  

72 Tully Street
Saint Helens
TAS 7216
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+61 3 6376 1169



5 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of Kellraine Units

    Trent Van Der Peet Added August 03, 2017
    Extremely clean units. Very well priced. And the service was just outstanding! Couldn't reccomend it any higher. Thanks Darrell

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Kellraine Units

The phone number for Kellraine Units is +61 3 6376 1169.

2. Where is Kellraine Units located?

Kellraine Units is located at 72 Tully Street Saint Helens, TAS 7216.

3. Is there a primary contact for Kellraine Units

You can contact Kellraine Units by phone using number +61 3 6376 1169.

4. What is the web address (URL) for Kellraine Units

The website for Kellraine Units is


Kellraine Beach Cottages | Self Contained Accommodation – St Helens – Bay of Fires – Tasmania

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Today's weather in Saint Helens TAS

13:00 19 1023 hPa 88 % 4 m/s 16:00 18 1020 hPa 94 % 2 m/s 19:00 18 1017 hPa 98 % 2 m/s 22:00 18 1017 hPa 98 % 2 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in Saint Helens TAS

01:00 16 1015 hPa 97 % 1 m/s 04:00 15 1014 hPa 97 % 1 m/s 07:00 15 1015 hPa 96 % 1 m/s 10:00 23 1016 hPa 62 % 2 m/s 13:00 22 1016 hPa 63 % 4 m/s 16:00 21 1017 hPa 68 % 2 m/s 19:00 17 1018 hPa 89 % 1 m/s 22:00 16 1019 hPa 97 % 1 m/s

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